The CLEVELAND UNION LEADER arose amid the labor disputes of the 1930s to provide a voice for industrial union organization. It was launched on Labor Day, 3 Sept. 1937, not long after the birth of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, which supported the weekly newspaper through its local affiliate, the CLEVELAND INDUSTRIAL UNION COUNCIL. Disclaiming any intention of competing with the AFL-oriented CLEVELAND CITIZEN, the Union Leader concentrated on the allegedly anti-labor bias of Cleveland's daily press, particularly the PLAIN DEALER. Originally edited by Ted Cox, the Cleveland Union Leader eventually fell under the direction of business manager John F. Cummins, who became publisher. From its original 4 full-sized pages, it was later converted into an 8-page tabloid. It was aggressively anti-Communist in the period following World War II. Emulating the reconciliation of the AFL and CIO in 1955, the Union Leader was merged into the Cleveland Citizen on 1 May 1959.

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